
Just download: Ansys Software for Students

Bereite dich jetzt bereits neben deinem Studium auf die berufliche Ingenieurs-Praxis vor: mit direktem, kostenfreiem Zugang zur weltweit führenden Simulationssoftware Ansys. Gratis.

Download Ansys Student Software

Your access to the world of simulation

With Ansys Student, Ansys LS-DYNA Student, Ansys Electronics Desktop Student, Ansys SCADE Student and Ansys OnScale, you have access to leading engineering simulation software for your term papers, final projects or student competitions. Already working on your own projects outside of your university? You can use Ansys Student software for that as well. All features of the “big” Ansys version are included. Only the model size is somewhat limited.

Free of charge. For everyone who wants to learn ansys. Valid for 1 year. Renewable at any time.

Ansys software for students

Whether for homework, final projects, student competitions or your private entry into engineering practice, you really benefit from the free Ansys software for students. Simply download and install Ansys software on any supported MS Windows 64-bit computer and you’re ready to go!

Ansys as career booster?!

Why Ansys can help you improve your chances of starting a career.

teach how to simulate with Ansys
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Companies worldwide
use Ansys in research & development

Exclusively for students

Want to really understand simulation and get practical training during your studies? Take a look at our eLearning courses – free of charge for students.

Ansys for students

Prepare now for professional engineering practice alongside your studies: with direct, free access to professional Ansys courses.